*News Flash* DELTA HEALTH spotlights its exclusive, directly managed, multi-specialty, US FDA Phase 2 / Phase 3 clinical trial sites in Asia
The DELTA HEALTH GROUP is an international healthcare conglomerate focused on providing a comprehensive portfolio of innovative clinical drug development - PV expertise, a worldwide network of top-class, dedicated clinical trial investigative sites, global telemedicine facilities, destination medical services and an innovative medical solutions division.
About Us

Initially starting with the operation of a group of successful clinical trial investigative sites in the United States at the time of embarking on its journey more than two decades back, the DELTA HEALTH GROUP has progressively evolved and diversified its capabilities in the clinical drug development - PV arena and international healthcare.
We have been assisting partners in the healthcare sector optimize and develop new chemical entities, reformulated drug products, biologics and medical devices that aim to offer advanced therapies and an improvement to available patient care.
Backed by a time-tested proven track record spanning over 20 years, the highly talented and experienced "Best-in-Class Specialty Providers" of our "A-Team" have led full clinical development programs that have resulted in successful regulatory approval of a number of prescription drug products from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Canada and other international agencies.
We are also one of the privileged few in the healthcare industry having extensive experience with direct in-person interaction and successful working collaboration with the US FDA and Health Canada.
With substantial expertise in conducting US FDA Phase 2 and Phase 3 drug development clinical trials, the DELTA HEALTH GROUP has continued its expansion in the international arena and now operates top-class, multi-specialty, exclusive clinical trial investigative sites in Asia.
Our additional healthcare portfolio includes international telemedicine expertise with the availability of world-class physicians and surgeons.
Strongly supporting diversified healthcare, we manage patient support programs and also offer global destination medical services to complement our motto "Global Healthcare".
Our Teams

The DELTA HEALTH GROUP global teams comprise of dedicated clinical drug development professionals, clinical trial physician investigators, CT site administrators and drug safety / PV experts.
The clinical development and clinical trial site teams have deep knowledge of legislation and broad based experience of the healthcare industry giving them the flexibility to work in major regions around the world.
The DELTA HEALTH telemedicine group includes U.S. Board Certified Medical Specialists, U.K. General Medical Council Specialists and other therapeutic area physicians.
Our Advisory Board includes prestigious names in the world of medicine, including physicians on the faculty of major hospitals and university medical centers in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
To complement our international medical teams, the DELTA HEALTH GROUP is supported by experts from our GLOBAL DESTINATION MEDICAL SERVICES and INNOVATIVE MEDICAL PRODUCTS DIVISION.